30 Reasons Why Your Blog Visitors and Users Click AdSense Ads

I find it interesting when I notice that sometimes, my AdSense Ads are getting clicks and make money while some other days, no clicks at all thus no earning on that day. So, I think there should be some reasons why users are clicking on AdSense Ads.
I am asking myself, if I am a user of a blog, why would I click on AdSense Ads on the blog I am reading? and I found out some reasons to answer my question.
I found that I am having 30 reasons why I am clicking AdSense Ads on blog I read and I think that it would be the 30 reasons why blog users are clicking AdSense Ads.
The 30 Reasons Blog Users, visitors and readers are Clicking AdSense Ads:
1. Because they are genuinely interested in the AdSense Ads.
2. Because the AdSense Ads looks attractive.
3. Because the title and description of AdSense Ads is challenging users.
4. Because the AdSense Ads are highly relevant to your blog contents.
5. Because users are finding for more information.
6. Because of accidental clicks.
7. Because they thought that AdSense Ads is a part of your posts.
8. Because users want to support you.
9. Because your blog has great contents.
10. Because your blog has a lot of targeted users.
11. Because users can see the AdSense Ads on your blog.
12. Because you place the AdSense Ads at the right place.
13. Because of the information the AdSense Ads are showing.
14. Because they think that your AdSense Ads deserve a click.
15. Because they want to sabotage you.
16. Because you are not using border for the AdSense Ads.
17. Because you are using the best ads format.
19. Because the color palettes of the AdSense Ads match your blog.
20. Because you blend the AdSense Ads.
21. Because you are using multiple AdSense Ads with a lot of text.
22. Because they thought that link unit AdSense Ads is your navigation menu.
23. Because it is AdSense Ads not other PPC advertisements.
24. Because you leave a question in your posts & they are trying to find the answer.
25. Because your blog has no other links to click on.
26. Because your blog doesn't have the information they are looking for.
27. Because they are tricked to click the AdSense Ads.
28. Because they want to leave your blog.
29. Because the AdSense Ads get their attention but your contents are not.
30. Because they never see the Ads before.

That is it, 30 reasons blog users, visitors and readers click on the AdSense Ads on your blog. Do you have any other reasons to add?

How to Make Your Photos More Beautiful using Adobe PhotoShop with 2 Clicks

I am playing with Adobe Photoshop today and guess what, I found a simple way to make unattractive photos into nice colored, nice contrast and attractive photos. So, this post will be about simple Adobe PhotoShop tricks for photos editing.
The best part of this is that editing the photos only require 2 clicks in the Adobe PhotoShop. I am not a pro in using Adobe PhotoShop and I normally use the Paint software in Windows XP. Even a Adobe PhotoShop noob like me can use this trick, I think you will be able to use this simple 2 clicks trick too.
Actually, the steps involved are quite easy. As I mentioned earlier, you only need two clicks to do it. It is quite simple and fast. You only need to follow the steps below and you could make your photo looks great only in a few minutes.
Before you do anything in Adobe PhotoShop, you will need to go to "File">>"Open". Then, choose the photo you would like to edit using Adobe PhotoShop. Open your photo in Adobe PhotoShop and then follow the 2 steps below:
Step 1:

You need to "Duplicate Layer". Right click on the layer of your photo and then click "Duplicate Layer".
Step 2:

Now, click on the drop down menu and choose "Overlay".

That is it. Everything is done and your photo now look much more nicer then before. Save it using the "save as" under the "File". Save it as JPEG or any other format you like.

Which AdSense Ads Formats Make More Money

I have been using AdSense on my blogs for quite a long period of time. I started making money from my blog in year 2006 and I have been using Google AdSense on my blogs to make money online. From my experience using Google AdSense to make money online, I found some Ads Formats are performing really well to make more money using Google AdSense. I will talk further about AdSense Ads formats that perform really well to make money in later part of this post. By using those Ads formats, I think that you will be able to make money faster using Google AdSense on your site.
The AdSense Ads formats that are performing well to get more clicks and make money are large rectangle, medium rectangle and wide skyscraper. From my experiments, these are the AdSense Ads formats that helps me to make more money quicker and faster from Google AdSense.
I am going to explain the ads format one-by-one, I hope I could make it clear to you about the top performing AdSense ads formats I mentioned earlier.
The Top 3 AdSense Ads Formats to Make More Money Faster:
1. Large Rectangle:
Large Rectangle format is the 336x280 ads format. Basically, this format is performing the best and get the most clicks. By using this AdSense ads format, I am making more than $100.00 easily every month from my AdSense account without doing much things.
2. Wide Skyscraper:
Wide Skyscraper is the 160x600 ads format. This is a good AdSense ads format if you have 2 sidebars. You could use this format at the sidebar and I am sure it will help you in your AdSense performance. This format is best to get more clicks because it is quite long in shape. Your site users might find it useful when reading your posts and click on it to find out more.
3. Medium Rectangle:
Medium Rectangle format is the 300x250 ads format. This is basically an alternative to large rectangle ads format. If you are not having enough space to use the large rectangle ads format, then go for medium rectangle. This format perform quite well too.
If you are having trouble and hardly make money from Google AdSense. Then, you could try to swap your the AdSense ads formats using the ads formats I mentioned above. I am sure you will find them useful and powerful.

Finally Perfected my Blog Design

I noticed some flaws on my blog design when I am using Internet Explorer to load my blog. Actually, I normally use Firefox and Flock browser so I never notice any flaws on my blog design until just now, I try to use Internet Explorer to load my blog and there are some flaws which makes my blog look a bit out of shape. I spent some time debugging the flaws and now I am sure that my blog will look perfect on Firefox, Flock and Internet Explorer. I am not sure whether my blog design will load properly or not in Safari and Opera browsers. I hope it would be no problem at all.

Working with my blog design and eating Tiger biscuit and a cup of water.
From my previous about "How to Change the Bullets in Blogger Sidebar", I was saying that I had successfully changed the bullets and it appeared on my blog properly. Actually, that was when I used Firefox and Flock browsers. If I am using Internet Explorer, the bullets are not showing at all.
I have removed some of the useless codings in my template and now everything works fine. I tried open my blog in Internet Explorer, Firefox and Flock browsers, my blog design is in perfect shape.
I hope you will have a better reading experience in my blog with the complete and perfected blog design.

How to Optimize AdSense Performance on Your Site

I am one of the constant readers of AdSense Blog. AdSense blog is an official blog by Google AdSense Team and the site will have constant update about Google AdSense policies. It is good to read about Google AdSense on the official AdSense blog but if you need to find more about optimizing Google AdSense on your site, then you will need even more resources from other sites. Today, AdSense blog is showing 5 steps to optimize AdSense on our site and it is in video. You could have a look at the video to learn some ways to make more money from Google AdSense on your blog. You will need to test the ads formats on your site using different channels to track the performance of ads on your site. You will need to choose the best performing ads formats for your site and this will make your AdSense perform much more better than before.
Invest some time to look at the video below and learn some skills from the AdSense Team members.
I think it will be quite good to learn more about Google AdSense.

How to Change Bullets of Blogger Sidebar to the Icon You Like

Last night, I was playing around with my blog design. I was trying to change the bullets of the link list in my blog's sidebar. I tried to search in Google and Yahoo but I couldn't find any answer to guide me to change the link list bullets of the sidebar. So, I write this post in case some bloggers are trying to change the sidebar link list bullets and they will be able to find the answer. I tried changing the HTML codes of my blog and do some testings. I tried here and there but it was not working.
I tried and tried for almost 2 hours and finally, I managed to change the link list bullets into my own bullets.
Just follow some of the steps below and I am sure you will be able to change your sidebar link list bullets to your own bullets.
Step 1:
You need to go to "edit HTML" of your blog and then find the code below:

Step 2:
When you have found the code above, replace the "list-style" or add the line below to the code:

Change the "LINK of your Bullet Image Here" to the URL of your bullet.
Now, click on "Save template" and your blog will now show the bullets of your choice.
Note: Not all blogger template will have the code in Step 1. Different blogger's template will have different code for the sidebar. So, try to find the sidebar HTML code and make changes accordingly.
You could read how to learn how to change blogger favicon too.